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Showing posts from July, 2017

6 Benefits of Not Listening to Music

So, this post may seem a little strange as it's just music right? It is all around us and we can never quite get away from it. We've grown up with it and never been without it, it's practically a part of life. If you've never made the conscious effort/decision to stop listening to music, then this will be completely new to you, however, I hope it will be of benefit. Just to give you a little background, you could say I was brought up with music. When I was younger and the parents weren't home, we used to blast Pop Party (if you know you know), my idea of fun was singing along to karaokes on Youtube and I knew the lyrics of EVERY SINGLE SONG OUT THERE. I couldn't walk anywhere unless I had my earphones and music at the gym was a no brainer. I was always aware that music was haram (forbidden) and I never understood why up until recently because "it's only music" right?! Music was a massive part of my life and I found so much joy in listening to it, h...

Q&A With A Revert

As I grow more in love with Islam (Alhamdulillah), my curiosity also grows and this is something which will be reflected in upcoming posts. I have always wondered what drives a revert to take that step and utter the shahadah, thus, I have been lucky enough to converse with brother Iliyas Burnett (@Poetry4Islam) and ask him a couple of questions regarding his journey! You can watch Iliyas' and his brother's full revert story on Youtube: 1) Was there anyone or anything in particular that drew you to Islam? 2) What advice would you give to muslim's helping potential reverts come to Islam? (e.g coming across too pushy etc) 3) How did you go about maintaining or cutting off friendships with friends from your past? 4) How do you maintain relationships with family that are non muslim? 5) Do you think being a public figure and speaking about Islam in the form of poetry increases your imaan or can it hinder you? ...

Wellness, Mindfulness & Madness with @BouAzizLifestyle

When you think of fitness, you automatically think of the gym, weights and a sculpted physique. Up until recently, I hadn't seen much focus on the importance of mindfulness and wellness- all of which contributes to creating a healthy mindset. After being tested with hardship, I found peace in meditation. This wasn't easy at first as it was frustrating due to my mind thinking erratically, however, it has helped me be able to watch my emotions and control my reactions. It is definitely a journey and there is so much to learn and practice. Below are a list of questions and answers I asked brother Mohamed Bouaziz- an advocate of mindfulness, movement, and all things positive. Upon coming across his instagram profile @bouazizlifestyle, I was intrigued and Alhamdulillah he was able to provide me with an insight into his world. Definitely check out his profile, it is unique and a breath of fresh air! "Bismillah. I just want to say thank you for giving me the oppo...

A Career

A career- “an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress ion”. This is something I am sure we have all been bombarded with as we are encouraged to think about it as soon as we are out the womb (LOL, quite literally!). As soon as a child is able to communicate, we ask them “what do you want to be when you grow up?” and we giggle when they come out with “scientist” or “astronaut” or “popstar”. We are so conditioned into wanting and thinking we need a career that I often found myself feeling bummy (excuse my lack of a better word) and useless for thinking there is no career that appeals to me. I don’t want to be a lawyer for the rest of my life, nor do I want to be an accountant, nor do I want to be any one thing for the rest of my life, simply because the world is too big and there is far too much to experience to confine ourselves to a single path. I have only recently come to terms with and accepted that I don’t want ...